Comparison Of Systems Based On Evolutionary Search And Simulated Annealing To Solve The VRPTW Problem
Olatz Arbelaitz, Clemente Rodríguez
2004 - International Journal of Computational Intelligence and Applications
Aldizkariko artikulua
Bide-hautaketa problema, optimizazio-problema. Zenbait ebazpide
Olatz Arbelaitz, Clemente Rodríguez
2004 - Ekaia
Aldizkariko artikulua
Makina-Hizkuntza. Oinarrizko konputagailu baten egitura, agindu-multzoa eta programazioa
Olatz Arbelaitz, Olatz Arregi, Izaskun Etxeberria, Nestor Garay-Vitoria, José I. Martín, Javier Muguerza, Clemente Rodríguez
2004 -
Análisis básico de circuitos eléctricos y electrónicos
Txelo Ruíz-Vázquez, Olatz Arbelaitz, Izaskun Etxeberria, Amaya Ibarra
2004 -
Hierarchical Classifiers based on Neighbourhood Critera with Adaptive Computational Cost
Clemente Rodríguez, Iratxe Soraluze, Javier Muguerza, José I. Martín, Gonzalo Álvarez
2002 - Pattern Recognition
Aldizkariko artikulua
Low Cost Parallel Solutions for the VRPTW Optimization Problem
Olatz Arbelaitz, Clemente Rodríguez, Ion Zamakola
2001 - proceedings of the International Conference on Parallel Processing Workshop on High Performance Scientific and Engineering Computing with Applications (ICPP2001),
Ahozko aurkezpena
Comparison of Systems Based on Evolutionary Search and Simulated Annealing to Solve the VRPTW Problem
Olatz Arbelaitz, Clemente Rodríguez, Ion Zamakola
2001 - proceedings of the International Conference on Computational Intelligence for Modelling, Control and Automation (CIMCA?2001),
Ahozko aurkezpena
Study of the Robustness of a New Algorithm Based on Simulated Annealing to Solve VRPTW Problems
Olatz Arbelaitz, Clemente Rodríguez, Ion Zamakola
2001 - proceedings of the Second European Conference on Intelligent Management Systems in Operations (IMSIO 2001),
Ahozko aurkezpena
Analysis of the Construction of a New Fast System to Solve VRPTW Problems, Based on Simulated Annealing
Olatz Arbelaitz, Clemente Rodríguez, Ion Zamakola
2001 - proceedings of the Fourth International ICSC Symposium on Soft Computing and Intelligent Systems for Industry (ISFI?2001),
Ahozko aurkezpena
Hierarchical classifiers with adaptive computational cost
Clemente Rodríguez, Iratxe Soraluze, José I. Martín, Javier Muguerza, Gonzalo Álvarez
2001 - University of Western Ontario.
Ahozko aurkezpena