Utilización de diferentes estrategias de aprendizaje para la detección de patologías neurológicas mediante IRM



Línea de investigación:
Health informatics

Neurodegenerative pathologies such as Parkinson, Alzheimer and others are important determinants of our life quality during the last stages of our lives. In this context, early diagnosis and detection can improve the quality of life of the patients. Diagnosis is done using different nature information such as demographic information, motor and non-motor information extracted from clinical tests, bio-specimens and different types of scans. Among them, MRI has played a vital role in the characterization of multiple neurological diseases. However, the number of MRIs that are normally accessible do not seem enough to be used to train 3D Convolutional Neural Network architectures on their own. The aim of this project would be to try different approaches to face the problem and use the MRIs to detect neurologic pathologies.


  1. Design different neural network architectures to work with MRI
  2. Use the designed architectures for neurologic pathology detection
  3. Compare outcomes and conclude the best strategies


  • Grado en Ingeniería Informática
    • Computación
  • Grado en Inteligencia Artificial
  • Máster Universitario en Ingeniería Computacional y Sistemas Inteligentes

Ibai Gurrutxaga
Javier Muguerza
Olatz Arbelaitz
Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea (UPV/EHU)
Informatika Fakultatea - Facultad de Informática
Konputagailuen Arkitektura eta Teknologia - Arquitectura y Tecnología de computadores
Año lectura: