ALDAPA makes available to other researchers several research results, resources and developed tools prototypes.
J48PartiallyConsolidated: An implementation of the PCTBagging algorithm for WEKA
This page contains the complete material related to J48PartiallyConsolidated: An implementation of the PCTBagging algorithm for WEKA".
An implementation of the UnPART algorithm for WEKA
This page contains an implementation of the UnPART algorithm for WEKA.
JCHAIDStar: An implementation of the CHAID* algorithm for WEKA
This page contains the complete material related to "JCHAIDStar: An implementation of the CHAID* algorithm for WEKA".
cuPoisson: a library to solve Poisson's equation in a cluster of Nvidia CUDA GPUs
This page contains the cuPoisson library, a library to solve Poisson's equation in a cluster of Nvidia CUDA GPUs.
An implementation of the BFPART algorithm for WEKA
This page contains an implementation of the BFPART algorithm for WEKA.
cuTranspose: a library to perform efficient 3D transpositions in CUDA GPUs
This page contains the cuTranspose library, a library that performs efficient 3D transpositions in CUDA GPUs.
J48Consolidated: An implementation of CTC algorithm for WEKA
This page contains the complete material related to the J48Consolidated classifier, an implementation of the CTC algorithm for WEKA.
Gurekddcup database
This web page contains information about gureKddcup database. It has been generated with a similar procedure used in the original Kddcup database but it also includes the payload of each connection.