The ALDAPA (ALgorithms, DAta mining and PArallelism) research group focuses on the area of data mining (machine learning, comprehensible classifiers, class imbalance) and physiological computing (physiological signals recording and analysis, wearable and non-invasive systems development). Currently, the group frames its main activity in the context of health, specifically in the diagnosis and prevention of nervous system diseases (Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, stress, epilepsy) in collaboration with public and private health and technological entities.

ALDAPA was created in the Faculty of Informatics by some members of the Computer Architecture and Technology department. Currently it also includes teaching and research staff of the Faculty of Engineering of Vitoria-Gasteiz and the Bilbao School of Engineering, in the following departments: Department of Engineering of Systems and Automatic and Department of Computer Languages and Systems.

At present the ALDAPA group is part of the ADIAN group, a consolidated group recognized (2016 and 2022) by the Basque Government.

For more details visit: Research

2022-05-27 ALDAPA-ALL Bilera Taldea2

Donostia-San Sebastian, May 27th, 2022.